What to Expect from an Eye Exam

What to Expect from an Eye Exam

Are you preparing for an upcoming eye exam with one of our optometrists or considering scheduling one soon? Understanding the process and potential benefits of a comprehensive eye exam can help ease any apprehensions and ensure that you are fully informed. Before scheduling your appointment with us at Eye 1st Vision Center in Sandy Springs, GA, take a look at what to expect during an eye exam below:

Comprehensive Eye Exams: A Step-by-Step Guide

When you visit us for a comprehensive eye exam, our optometrists may perform a serious of tests to check you overall health. Some of these tests include:

Visual Acuity Test

The appointment typically begins with a visual acuity test, where you'll be asked to read letters from a chart to assess your ability to see clearly at various distances. This test helps determine if you need corrective lenses and provides an initial evaluation of your vision.

Eye Pressure Test

Next, you may undergo a test to measure the pressure inside your eyes, known as tonometry. This test is vital for detecting potential signs of glaucoma, a serious eye condition that can lead to vision loss if left untreated.

Refraction Test

The refraction test involves looking through a device called a phoropter and indicating which lenses provide the clearest vision. It also helps determine your exact eyeglass prescription, if needed, to correct any refractive errors, such as nearsightedness or farsightedness.

Visual Field Test

A visual field test assesses your peripheral vision by measuring your ability to see objects in your side vision.

This test is essential for detecting conditions that may cause peripheral vision loss like glaucoma or retinal diseases.

Retinal Examination

During the retinal examination, our eye doctors will use special instruments to examine the back of your eye, including the retina, optic nerve, and blood vessels. This comprehensive assessment can reveal signs of various eye diseases and conditions, such as diabetic retinopathy or age-related macular degeneration.

Benefits of Regular Eye Exams

Regular eye exams offer numerous advantages for your vision and overall eye health. Some these benefits include:

Early Detection

Regular eye exams can detect eye conditions and diseases in the early stages, making them more manageable and treatable.

Continued Monitoring

These exams are essential for monitoring the progression of existing eye conditions and adjusting treatment as needed.

Updated Prescriptions

If you require corrective lenses, regular eye exams ensure that your prescription is up to date and providing optimal vision and comfort.

Insight of Your Overall Health

In some cases, signs of systemic health conditions may be detected during an eye exam, which can provide you with prompt treatment and improve your health.

Contact us for an Appointment Today!

By prioritizing regular comprehensive eye exams with our experienced optometrists, you are taking proactive steps to safeguard your vision and overall well-being. To experience the benefits of a comprehensive eye exam firsthand, contact Eye 1st Vision Center in Sandy Springs, GA, at (404) 252-1702 today.

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We strive for excellence in providing for your complete eye care needs.

Hours of Operation


OPEN 9:00AM-6:00PM


OPEN 9:00AM-6:00PM


OPEN 9:00AM-6:00PM


OPEN 9:00AM-6:00PM


OPEN 8:00AM-5:00PM


OPEN 9:00AM-2:00PM



OPEN 9:00AM-6:00PM
OPEN 9:00AM-6:00PM
OPEN 9:00AM-6:00PM
OPEN 9:00AM-6:00PM
OPEN 8:00AM-5:00PM
OPEN 9:00AM-2:00PM


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