If you have diabetes, you are at risk for developing any of a number of diabetic eye problems. These problems can occur over time or right away. It is always important to maintain your eye health and vision. That’s why you need to come in for care at our Sandy Springs Eye 1st Vision Center. Let our skilled optometrist help you to keep your eyes healthy through regular screenings and treatment.
What Diabetes Does to the Eyes
Those who have diabetes have high levels of glucose or blood sugar present. This high level of glucose causes damage to the eyes. There are several types of damage can occur, with the most common being diabetic retinopathy. This condition is the most common cause of becoming blind in the United States.
Retinopathy is a condition that is somewhat common today. The retina is a small portion of the eye located at the very back. The tissues here are light sensitive. In order for vision to remain clear, the retina must function properly and clearly. As noted, retinopathy is brought on by glucose. The most common symptoms of this condition include:
- Dark and floating spots in vision
- Blurry vision
- Double vision
- Rings or flashing lights in vision
- Blank spots in vision
- Trouble seeing things that are located at the corners of the eye
- Pressure or pain located in the eyes (one of them or both)
Other conditions can also occur as a result of high glucose levels. This includes cataract buildup, a condition in which a film develops over the eyes limiting vision. Glaucoma can also be more common in patients who have diabetes.
How to Care for Your Eyes as a Diabetic in Sandy Springs
The most important step in caring for your eyes as a diabetic is to have at least an annual eye exam. While your family care provider is a good first step, you need to see an optometrist at least one time a year. During this eye exam, your optometrist will look at your eyes to determine if any damage has occurred. It is also possible to get treatment for any development of symptoms you may have.
There are treatment options available for diabetic retinopathy. Prevention is far more effective, though. When you visit your eye doctor, you’ll learn of your eye health and what steps you can take to better control the impact of diabetes on your vision.
Call Our Optometrist in Sandy Springs for Eye Exams
At Eye 1st Vision Center our goal is to provide you with a comprehensive eye exam at least one time a year. If you have any symptoms mentioned here, do not wait to schedule a consultation and eye exam with us. The sooner you seek out treatment and care for your eyes as a diabetic, the more likely it will be for prevention of complications to occur. We can help. Call our Sandy Springs optometry office at (404) 252-1702 for an appointment today for the eye exams you need.